Quick Rules

-Start the Game-

1. Each player receives 7 cards face down

2. Place the top card from the deck anywhere on the playing surface face up, this is the first card in play

3. Place the remaining deck of cards facedown to the side of the playing area

4. The first player is to the dealers left

5. Each player, in turn, must either play a card or draw a card from the deck, completing one of these actions ends the players turn

6. The Goal is to match the color or number of the last card played

-Play the Game-

7. Each player places a card next to the last card played, along one of its short or long edges, matching either the number or color, ending their turn

8. Yellow and Gray can never touch!

9. If a player can't match a number or color they must draw, ending their turn

10. If the color or number doesn't match, the cards cannot touch

11. Each player decides which direction the City will grow

12. When a player has only one card they must say Urbo!

-How to Win-

13. The player out of cards first wins!!! or with the least amount of cards wins

-Challenge Rules- (optional)

- If a player doesn't say Urbo and gets caught, they must draw two cards

- Once per game a player can challenge a color change, a simple majority vote decides if the card stays in play or is removed, ending the turn, a tie vote is decided by winning one game of rock, paper, scissors

- A player can appeal a vote once per game by winning one game of rock, paper, scissors

Full Rules

How to Deal

(Shuffle the cards thoroughly before dealing)

The first dealer is the oldest player. The dealer places one card at a time face down, in front of each player, beginning with the player on their left.

Each player receives 7 cards.

The remaining cards are placed face down in a stack on the playing surface. The remaining stack of cards is called the Loan.

During the next game players may choose to take turns dealing or one player may deal multiple times.

Objective of the Game

Create a City, Block by Block. Match the Intensity Value (number) or Land Use (color) to create a City.

How to play

The dealer starts the game by placing the top card from the Loan face up on the playing surface. Each card placed on the playing surface represents a City Block; these blocks combine to create the City.

Each player must play a card from their hand or draw from the Loan. To play one must place a card on the playing surface face up next to the last card played or draw if they are unable to play.

Each player determines the direction the City will grow, this is called the Development Pattern.

A player may only place one card on the playing surface that matches the Intensity Level or Land Use of the last card played. Every card played must touch the long or short side of the last card played.

!There are two card types that can never touch Residential (yellow) and Industrial (gray)!

A player's turn ends when they play or draw.

If a player has only one card left they must say Urbo!

How to place the cards

Cards may be placed in a variety of ways and that is part of the entertainment! How players place a Block (card) creates the Development Pattern of the City. Each card must be placed so that it matches the Intensity Level or Land Use of the last card played, touching either the short side or the long side. A City’s Development Pattern can go vertical or horizontal.

For added difficulty multiple cards can touch if they all have matching Land Uses. Additionally, when matching the Land Use or Intensity Value of the last card played, a card can touch a previously played card if the the Land Use or Intensity Level matches. A card can only touch if either the Intensity Level or Land Use matches. This all depends on the direction of the City’s Development pattern.

How the game ends
  • A player goes out or has no cards left to play

  • The deck runs out and no player can add to the Development Pattern

  • There is no more room on the playing surface.

How to Win
  • The first player that goes out wins!

  • The player with the least amount of cards wins!

  • In the event of a tie the lowest total dollar amount wins

Challenge Rules (optional)

Call a City Council meeting

During a turn if a player changes the Land Use any other player can call a City Council meeting.

All players must then vote yes or no to change the Land Use. Players can choose to verbally vote by saying yes or no or a physical vote using thumbs up (yes) or thumbs down (no).

A yes vote means the card stays in play.

A no vote means the card is removed and the player loses their turn.